About us
The TransParents association was created by a group of parents of transgender, non-binary or gender-identity-questioning children. It is open to anyone interested in questions of gender identity, from the perspective of family support. It offers a friendly, safe space for exchange and dialogue to parents and relatives, whose diverse voices we want to make heard, and whose individual and family journeys we want to bear witness to.
Our Objectives
To create a safe and caring space for exchange and dialogue between parents and relatives.
To help parents and relatives of transgender, non-binary or gender-identity-questioning people have diverse and plural exchanges and discussions.
To guide parents and relatives through the multitude of information available from associations and on the Internet.
Become a member
The TransParents association has around forty-five members (mid 2023). More than two-thirds are parents of transgender, non-binary or gender-identity-questioning children. The other members, relatives and/or allies, work to develop and raise the profile of the association's activities within associative and institutional networks.
Members meet at least once a year to discuss the association's strategic orientations.
The association offers three membership options.
- 30 CHF – individual
- 50 CHF - family
- 20 CHF - suspended
The suspended membership fee allows people with financial difficulties to join the association while benefiting from the solidarity of other members.
The TransParents Committee
As a former delegate for a major international organization, I'm open to discovering new horizons. When my 13-year-old son announced to his father and me that he wasn't the gender we thought he was, I realized that I had to be open-minded to a subject I knew little about. Above all, I realized that my son would need his parents and those around him.
Along with other parents, we realized that there was no association of involved parents in French-speaking Switzerland. Bringing the voice and diversity of our young people to the fore, supporting them on their journey: all this seemed obvious to me, and in line with my values and commitments.
Sharing my experience, listening to other concerned parents, offering practical information, these are the motivations behind my involvement in the association.
With a group of parents, we set up the association to provide a voice of support, to help other parents, relatives and people concerned, and to share our values.
Our ethical charter
Kindness and respect
All members of the association aim to show kindness to transgender, non-binary and gender identity seekers, whatever their chosen path. Members should respect this same line of conduct between themselves and towards those close to the people concerned.
Members undertake not to divulge information shared within the association concerning other members and their relatives. Any external sharing of information, particularly in the media, is subject to the explicit consent of the persons concerned and requires upfront agreement of the Association's Committee.
Privacy policy
All members respect the privacy of other members, their families and friends.
Members recognize that there are various modalities of gender transition and that each situation is personal and individual. Members undertake not to seek to impose their personal approach.
Words ♡
On the occasion of World Coming-out Day (October 11th), parents tell us…