You wish to join the TransParents Association – Geneva.

Membership Application Form

* Required

Age *

Which pronoun should we use to address you? *

What is your relationship to one or more transgender individuals? *

Do you agree to be part of a WhatsApp or Telegram group?

How did you hear about the association? *

Would you be willing to get involved in the activities of the association?

Si "oui" (ou "peut-être"), dans quel type d'activité?

Members of the association commit to respecting the confidentiality of shared information, to respecting the privacy of other members, and to interacting with kindness. *

I choose a membership fee option for the current civil year and agree to pay the amount to the TransParents association, 1205 Geneva - IBAN: CH87 0900 0000 1588 0193 6 - (or use the QR code below)*

7 + 12 =

QR code to be used from your banking app: